[PCI DSS 3.0] 9.4.3 Visitors are asked to surrender the badge or identification before leaving the facility or at

9.4.3 Visitors are asked to surrender the badge or identification before leaving the facility or at the date of expiration.

9.4.3 Observe visitors leaving the facility to verify visitors are asked to surrender their badge or other identification upon departure or expiration.

Visitor controls ensure visitors are identifiable as visitors so personnel can monitor their activities, and that their access is restricted to just the duration of their legitimate visit. Ensuring that visitor badges are returned upon expiry or completion of the visit prevents malicious persons from using a previously authorized pass to gain physical access into the building after the visit has ended.
A visitor log documenting minimum information on the visitor is easy and inexpensive to maintain and will assist in identifying physical access to a building or room, and potential access to cardholder data.