11.3.3 Exploitable vulnerabilities found during penetration testing are corrected and testing is repeated to verify the corrections

11.3.3 Exploitable vulnerabilities found during penetration testing are corrected and testing is repeated to verify the corrections.

11.3.3 Examine penetration testing results to verify that noted exploitable vulnerabilities were corrected and that repeated testing confirmed the vulnerability was corrected.

Penetration testing conducted on a regular basis and after significant changes to the environment is a proactive security measure that helps minimize potential access to the CDE by malicious individuals.

The determination of what constitutes a significant upgrade or modification is highly dependent on the configuration of a given environment. If an upgrade or modification could allow access to cardholder data or affect the security of the cardholder data environment, then it could be considered significant. Performing penetration tests after network upgrades and modifications provides assurance that the controls assumed to be in place are still working effectively after the upgrade or modification.