6.5 Address common coding vulnerabilities in software-development processes as follows:

6.5 Address common coding vulnerabilities in software-development processes as follows:

  • Train developers at least annually in up- to-date secure coding techniques, including how to avoid common coding vulnerabilities.

  • Develop applications based on secure coding guidelines.

Note: The vulnerabilities listed at 6.5.1 through 6.5.10 were current with industry best practices when this version of PCI DSS was published. However, as industry best practices for vulnerability management are updated (for example, the OWASP Guide, SANS CWE Top 25, CERT Secure Coding, etc.), the current best practices must be used for these requirements.

6.5.a Examine software-development policies and procedures to verify that up-to-date training in secure coding techniques is required for developers at least annually, based on industry best practices and guidance.
6.5.b Examine records of training to verify that software developers receive up-to-date training on secure coding techniques at least annually, including how to avoid common coding vulnerabilities.
6.5.c Verify that processes are in place to protect applications from, at a minimum, the following vulnerabilities:

The application layer is high-risk and may be targeted by both internal and external threats.

Requirements 6.5.1 through 6.5.10 are the minimum controls that should be in place, and organizations should incorporate the relevant secure coding practices as applicable to the particular technology in their environment.

Application developers should be properly trained to identify and resolve issues related to these (and other) common coding vulnerabilities. Having staff knowledgeable of secure coding guidelines should minimize the number of security vulnerabilities introduced through poor coding practices. Training for developers may be provided in-house or by third parties and should be applicable for technology used.

As industry-accepted secure coding practices change, organizational coding practices and developer training should likewise be updated to address new threats—for example, memory scraping attacks.

The vulnerabilities identified in 6.5.1 through 6.5.10 provide a minimum baseline. It is up to the organization to remain up to date with vulnerability trends and incorporate appropriate measures into their secure coding practices.