[PCI DSS 3.0] 10.6.2 Review logs of all other system components periodically based on the organization’s policies

10.6.2 Review logs of all other system components periodically based on the organization’s policies and risk management strategy, as determined by the organization’s annual risk assessment.

10.6.2.a Examine security policies and procedures to verify that procedures are defined for reviewing logs of all other system components periodically—either manually or via log tools—based on the organization’s policies and risk management strategy.

10.6.2.b Examine the organization’s risk-assessment documentation and interview personnel to verify that reviews are performed in accordance with organization’s policies and risk management strategy.

Logs for all other system components should also be periodically reviewed to identify indications of potential issues or attempts to gain access to sensitive systems via less-sensitive systems. The frequency of the reviews should be determined by an entity’s annual risk assessment.